Why do we still call Mesopotamia the "cradle of civilization"?
Aug 20, 2019 · The works of British historians/archaeologist such as Austen Henry Layard, George Rawlinson, and George Smith, as well as the French campaigns in Egypt and Syria, all seem to have contributed to this idea that Mesopotamia was the "Cradle of Civilization", in other words, the "birthplace" of human civilization.
Ancient Mesopotamia or Egypt - History Forum
Dec 14, 2015 · In some places this civilization was able to leave more signs of its existence than in other places. The invention of paper and writing became necessary as the language began failing due to its increasing complexity. This would suggest that Mesopotamia and Egypt were the centers of learning in this civilization.
Was Ancient Greece essentially a Middle Eastern civilization?
Jan 2, 2016 · This is not a troll question or some anti-Greek thread, but it just got me thinking. Aren't the Ancient Greeks essentially a middle eastern civilization. Much of their history takes place in the middle east, Ancient Greece has a lot of …
How was ancient China more technologically advanced than …
This is an arrogant thing to say. You keep assuming that ancient civilization owes everything to Mesopotamia. In your other post, you said that two major civilizations developed in the world: Eurasian civilization (Europe, Middle East, Persia, India, etc) and Chinese civilization.
Indus Valley Civilization - History Forum
Aug 5, 2014 · 3. Related to original assumptions (not for discussion please) : IVC was a non horse related Non Sanskrit speaking non vedic civilization doing mainly agriculture and not animal husbandry 4. Yemeni intermediates in trade with Mesopotamia including import of copper ingots and gold 5. The importance of gold and water in life
Where is the cradle of civilization ? | History Forum
Oct 19, 2014 · I tend to identify 3 main cradles of civilizations: Mesopotamia [reminding the a "civilization" exists with a writing system, that is to say a method to make a culture survive to generations] for sure. But I would add China and central America [Columbus didn't reach an uncivilized land, but a continent with very ancient and developed ...
Demography of Ancient Mesopotamia | History Forum
Dec 27, 2021 · The same modest density for Abbasid Mesopotamia would imply an urban population of 700,000 in these 3 cities together, which does not sound impossible but still I would expect a larger population in Mesopotamia than 3-4 million if its 3 largest cities had 700,000 inhabitants together, although your estimate of 3.5-4 million is for only lower ...
Were the ancient Sumerian civilization a race of Semites?
Nov 15, 2020 · Sumer was called "Ki.en.gir" ["the land of the civilization", in good substance]. Again the Akkad people called it "Sumer" [it's not clear why they did this]. About the origin of the "Sumerians", as for I know there is still room for research, anyway they weren't Semite.
Oldest Continous civilization the controversies and How to find the ...
Oct 16, 2024 · So Egypt was already a civilization before unification. Second, China wasn't unified until the Qin dynasty centuries after Egypt had fallen to the Macedonians. Either way, it wouldn't make sense to claim that civilization depended on a unified state. That's not how any good anthropologist or archaeologist uses the word "civilization."
Do you think Ancient Egypt is overrated? - History Forum
Oct 13, 2017 · Mesopotamia: First civilization, started the agricultural revolution which may have influenced even India and Egypt, started writing and math and science, agriculture, the wheel, etc. Made world's first literature. China: Invented civil service …