Are MAGA people even aware of how stupid they sound?
Jan 1, 2024 · This shows why disagreements with MAGA types tend to go nowhere, since presenting evidence that goes against their leader doesn't seem to deter them. I'm not really …
r/maga - Reddit
ADMIN MOD • Maga supporters will literally tell you that gas is too expensive because of Biden, and in the same sentence, tell you the electric cars don’t make sense because gas is so …
MAGA = NAZI - Reddit
MAGA = NAZI. It's the same ideology of hate. Hatred of minorities. Hatred of LGTBQ+. Hatred of non-Christians. Hatred of immigrants. Hatred of political opponents. Hatred of the disabled. …
What is MAGA communism? : r/NoStupidQuestions - Reddit
Nov 15, 2022 · Basically MAGA communism is in the broad category of "Third Positionism", which are ideologies that ostensibly attempt to unite fascism and communism into a single system. …
What on Earth is MAGA Communism? : r/Socialism_101 - Reddit
MAGA Communism is a political theory that identifies the MAGA movement (not Trump) as the revolutionary subject or the nucleus of a future communist movement in the US. Basically the …
CMV: The MAGA crowd is a cult full of hate : r/changemyview
Jan 18, 2024 · They love that he steps on a lot of toes and they radiate that same spitefulness with all the MAGA hats and Trump flags. if you see a pickup truck on the road with a Trump …
如何看待川普阵营和极右MAGA之间爆发内讧? - 知乎
Dec 30, 2024 · maga觉得美国强大的关键是他们,而政治精英们清楚的知道美国之所以强大和maga们并没有半毛钱关系,反而美国现在的衰落和他们非常有关系。 对于美国的政治而 …
What is your story of a MAGA person returning to normal?
Feb 1, 2024 · I always joke that I was the original maga before maga was even a thing, a hipster of new millennia fascism 😂 Ok so around 2010 I got into politics for the first time thanks to Ron …
Is Donald Trump and the MAGA movement fascist? : r ... - Reddit
Recent history proves that he is a staunch believer in ‘replacement theory’, meaning that he’s concerned about the gene pool for whites in America about being fouled and suddenly losing …
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